Zielke Associates

Harrison TN Weather

Forecast from wunderground.com
Weather below does not auto-update.

Current Weather:
12/04/2016 17:31

Temperature: 0.0 F
    Today's High: -56.0 F
    Today's Low: 150.0 F
Humidity: 0.0 %
    Dew Point: 0.0 F
Wind Speed: 0.0 MPH
    1 min avg: 0.0 MPH
    5 min gust: 0.0 MPH
    Today's High: 0.0 MPH
Wind Direction: 180 degrees
Rain: 0.00 in.
    Month: 35.28 in.
    Year: 35.28 in.
Pressure: 29.96 in. Hg
    3 Hour Change: -0.02 in. Hg
Sunrise: 7:23 AM
Sunset: 6:27 PM
Phase of the Moon:
    Waning Gibbous
    (51% of Full)

image gauge image gauge image gauge
image gauge image gauge image gauge

Charts record the last 72 hours with yesterday's extremes.

12/03 Temperature:
    High: -56.0 F
    Low: 150.0 F
image graph
12/03 Humidity:
    High: 0.0 %
    Low: 101.0 %
image graph
12/03 Wind Speed:
    High: 0.0 MPH
image graph
Wind Direction:
image graph
    This Month: 35.28 in.
    12/03: 0.00 in.
image graph
12/03 Pressure:
    High: 30.31 in. Hg
    Low: 30.20 in. Hg
image graph

Weather station history:
05/21/2006 - Purchased Peet Bros. ULTIMETER 2100 at Dayton Hamvention.
05/27/2006 - Temperature/Humidity/Rain Meter installed on porch.
05/28/2006 - Keyboard/Display hardwired.
06/10/2006 - Installed Anemometer on roof.
07/29/2006 - Added archive page.
10/04/2006 - Calibrated humidity sensor.
09/06/2011 - 18 hour power outage.
01/26/2012 - Rain gauge clogged. Missed ~ 1.2 inches.
10/17/2014 - Replaced rain gauge.
11/30/2016 - Weather station died.

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